The Neti Pot


When I first heard about the Neti pot I was actually disgusted and a bit afraid. Everyone who uses it though swears by it and told me it did not hurt, and was the greatest thing for their allergies, colds, sinuses.

This past week I got a killer sinus infection and out of desperation decided to give it a try. After the first time – my sinuses felt better and it was not disgusting or painful. A few days later – I have to admit – that in combination of some extra rest, and some steam/hot towels on my face – my sinuses feel much better. I am now able to go without Advil every 4-6 hours and I am really thankful that I tried it. If you have issues with allergies, a cold, etc – give this a try!

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Business HOWTOs Serenity Now!

How NOT to Take/Make a Business Call

It is unbelievable how some people act on a conference call or even a business related call. From my experience here are some pointers on how NOT to impress your colleagues/clients/developers. (All based on actual things I have experienced) Make a business call while in the drive-thru at McDonanlds…and then ask me to hold while […]

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If You Pay Peanuts, You Get Monkeys. via @AddThis # Happy birthday @amymmuller! # New version of SDAC Translate (WordPress language translation plugin) available: (update allows further customization) #