Sunday Workout


Start your day right with this workout and finish even stronger.

Some people spend Sunday mornings eating pancakes and enjoying a slow morning. This is how I spent mine last weekend:

The Warmup

Format: 20 sec on / 10 sec rest (2x through) alternating exercises at a time.
Example: Jumping jacks, lateral lunges, jumping jacks, lateral lunges then move down to the next 2 exercises.

Jumping Jacks
Lateral Lunges

Reverse Lunges

Jump squats
Calf Raises

Round 1

Format: 45 sec on / 15 sec rest

  1. Single arm swing to clean left
  2. Single arm swing to clean right
  3. Pushups – slow count down
  4. Pushups – slow count up
  5. Fast feet with someone calling out either down (burpee) or up (tuck jumps) every few seconds
  6. Fast feet with someone calling out either left (turn jump left then back to center) or right (turn jump right then back to center) every few seconds
  7. Forward lunge with weight pass (Right leg lunges forward and you take a weight from your left hand and pass it under your right leg. Next lunge back with that same right leg and pass the weight from your right hand to your left under your right leg.
  8. Forward lunge with weight pass (Left leg lunges forward and you take a weight from your right hand and pass it under your left leg. Next lunge back with that same left leg and pass the weight from your right hand to your left under your left leg.
  9. Skull crushers – slow count down
  10. Skull crushers – slow count up

5 minutes of core

Format: 20 sec on / 15 sec rest

  1. Bear crawl position shoulder touch
  2. Bear crawl left/right
  3. Bear crawl position shoulder touch
  4. Bear forward/back
  5. Jackknife left
  6. Jackknife right
  7. Jackknife center (V-Up)
  8. Plank reach (in a downward dog position – opposite hand to opposite foot)
  9. Side Plank crunch left
  10. Side Plank crunch right

Round 2

Format: 45 sec on / 15 sec rest

  1. 1 arm deadlift into a row left
  2. 1 arm deadlift into a row right
  3. Mt. Climber fast
  4. Mt. Climber slow
  5. Burpees 1/2 (stay down, do not come up all the way)
  6. Burpee/sprawl
  7. Surrenders w/weight overhead
  8. Surrenders for speed (no weight)
  9. Tricep pushups left
  10. Tricep pushups right


Format – no break between hold and the start of the next set (repeat 2x)
10 squats – hold last squat for 10 seconds
20 squats – hold last squat for 20 seconds
30 squats – hold last squat for 30 seconds

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