Thursday Boxing Workout (Bag)

Boxing Workouts

One of my favorites today is what I would call a counting workout. I call out a combo – and the number of times to throw it and then we hit the bag on my count. Set the clock for 40 minutes and no breaks. Depending on your pace you may need to add or remove some of the following:

Right-handed person: Front arm = left arm
Left-handed person: Back arm = right arm

Jab = 1
Cross = 2
Front arm hook = 3
Back arm hook = 4
Front arm uppercut = 5
Back arm uppercut = 6

  1. 50: 1 (single jab)
  2. 50: 2 (single cross)
  3. 40: 1-2 (jab/cross)
  4. 30: 1-2-3 (jab/cross/hook)
  5. 20: 1-2-3-6 (jab/cross/hook/uppercut)
  6. 10: 1-2-3-6 squat
  1. 40: 1-3 (jab/hook)
  2. 40: 2-4 (cross/hook)
  3. 30: 1-2 (jab/jab/uppercut)
  4. 30: 2-2-5 (cross/cross/uppercut)
  5. 20: 1-1-2-3-6 (jab/jab/cross/hook/uppercut)
  6. 20: 1-2-2-4-5 (jab/cross/cross/hook/uppercut)
  1. 50: 6-3 (uppercut/hook)
  2. 40: 6-3-2 (uppercut/hook/cross)
  3. 30: 6-3-2-2 (uppercut/hook/cross/cross)
  4. 20: 6-3-2-2-duck-front-hook-4(uppercut/hook/cross/cross/duck-front-hook/hook)
  5. 10: 6-3-2-2-duck-front-hook-4-sprawl(uppercut/hook/cross/cross/duck-front-hook/hook/sprawl)
  1. 30: 1-1-2 (jab/jab/cross)
  2. 30: 1-1-2-1 (jab/jab/cross/jab)
  3. 20: 1-1-2-1-6 (jab/jab/cross/jab/uppercut)
  4. 20: 1-1-2-1-6 (jab/jab/cross/jab/uppercut)
  5. 10: 1-1-2-3-6-3 (jab/jab/cross/hook/uppercut/hook)
  6. 10: 1-1-2-3-6-3 pushup (jab/jab/cross/hook/uppercut/hook/pushup)

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