Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.


How many times have I heard that perfection is never achievable? Well, after countless hours (and when I mean countless, I mean over 60) I have decided to release the newest version of I have to still finish my IE CSS style sheet, but other than that, I am going to say that this […]

Web Development

text wrangler (now free!).

I have been using BBEdit Lite ever since I learned HTML back in college. I have never owned a full version because I use Adobe GoLive’s source code editor for any of my source code needs where I like to have an auto-complete option when writing code. Thanks to Bare Bones Software, I can now […] v5

Well, now that I have spent countless hours working on mastering CSS and also getting back to my color scheme of choice (not sure what it is? you will have to wait) I am getting ready to release yet another version of I am finished with my site style sheet for NS browsers and […]

Hints UNIX

sed and awk.

In my latest bit of training, I learned about sed and awk. sed is a line editor (stream editor) (scripting with ed). awk is a pattern-directed scanning and processing language and divides each line to fields by separating words by spaces or other specified field separators. Some tidbits about using sed to quickly edit files: […]

Hints UNIX

regular expressions help.

No, the site was not hacked, I chose to write about regular expressions. I am in my last section of my UNIX/Linux Systems Administrator training and I am equally excited about regular expressions as I was about learning subnets. I know regular expressions are very powerful, and I remember enjoying subnets after I finally figured […]


spam…email and blog.

I have finally had enough. A few days ago, I decided to start using JunkMatcher with because my spam was out of control. I am pleased to say, I am very happy with it and plan to continue using it. On another spam front, I recently had to turn to moderating my comments with […]



I am always looking for cool stuff for Mac OS X…and I have been carrying around a bookmark for growl for the last few months, and today I finally installed it. Growl is “a global notification system for Mac OS X .” Translation: something really cool that works with multiple apps. So you have mail […]


.mac webmail

I am not a WebObjects programmer, but I know one ;)…but please, I have had just about enough with .mac web mail. With errors like: “Did not receive any response from application. It is possible that the application does not exist, or that the requested url is incorrect.” topped off with a little does of […]


iBook logic board failure.

For the past few weeks, A’s 500mhz dual USB iBook has been acting a bit flaky. Every time she or I would open the iBook and wake it from sleep, you would have to carefully adjust the angle of the open lid, a 1/32 of an inch this way or that way could mean you […]

Hints UNIX

more helpful UNIX stuff.

While I am taking my UNIX/LINUX Systems Administration training, I pick up cool UNIX tidbits and it is time to share some more of my latest tidbits. (First installment) Random commands and information I have jotted down: When compiling something from source code, I used to always use: ./configure then make then make install, but […]


UNIX/LINUX training update.

Well, two parts of my training done, and two more to go. I have to say, when I saw that I would have to spend 40 hours learning about networking and dns, I was a little worried, but now looking back at it, I really learned a lot and enjoyed what I learned. Who knew?


iPod Tattoos

Well, I finally made it over to HP’s web site to look at the “iPod tattoos” and interested to see what these actually look like. I was not sure of the actual process, but it looks pretty much like a label, only it goes over the iPod. I see lots of people with iPods on […]