Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.

Apple Hints

Mac Mini Surgery: Success!

Well, I ended up purchasing a mac mini (custom build) and a 23″ Cinema Display. (Why the mac mini? I am not happy with the G5 line as of yet) Anyways, there was no way I was going to let Apple put a gig of RAM in for me for over $300 when I could […] Web Development v6 upcoming

My posts have been more sporatic than usual because once again, I got the CSS bug…the need to redo the site I have now to be cleaner with a brand new backend. I am hoping to have the design and backend completely done in the next two days. I have at least 3-4 more hours […]

Apple UNIX

ftp with Mac OS X Server? I'll pass.

When I took over doing support while we look for someone to replace our network admin, I was excited, for a moment, about playing with Mac OS X Server. For a quick moment. The first thing I know, I get a phone call from a remote user who cannot reach the server with ftp. I […]


beginning and ending.

Well, this weekend marked the beginning on my Mac OS X 10.4 experience. I installed Mac OS X 10.4 on my 500mhz G4 iBook, (repaired permissions, used Carbon Copy Cloner, then did a clean install) then after being quite satisfied with the performance of the OS, I decided to hook up the iBook to my […]


Finally: Tiger Arrives!

Well the day has finally come: Apple’s release of 10.4. There are tons of new feautures I am excited to check out but none more than the added .mac sync functionality. To be able to have all my mail rules available on all my computers…I have been waiting for this since .mac came out. For […]

Hints Web Development

know your resources: mailing lists.

I like to think I know a lot about web design, hosting, development, etc, but I also like to think when I am unsure of something, I know where I like to go. (not to mention I like to use commas) If you are a web developer with questions or would like to help web […]

Apple Web Development

tiger (10.4) and

Most people that would be reading this are probably very familar with Apple’s web site and know that Mac OS X 10.4 is coming out later this month on April 29th. My random thought for the day…when is Apple going to update their web site design? Apple’s web site design has been very influencial over […]


And the Winner Is: Sun Ultra 10

Time to learn Solaris, yeah. Time to get a PC, no. 😉 I finally got a Sun Ultra 10 lined up for me, and should hav eit some time next week. I am not looking for speed or anything much, just something to play around with, learn Solaris, and get serious about high availabilty servers. […]


ACHDS certification.

Well, another certification down: Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist (ACHDS). (This was a little harder than I expected because of all the GUI questions…and I am not used to using a lot of the GUI tools that Apple ships with Mac OS X.) I had to take this first exam in order to get the […]


Fedora FC3

Now that I am no longer doing any Linux/UNIX training, I thought it would be best to have a Linux machine running so I can stay on top of what I learned. After trying out Mandrake Linux (now Mandiva), considering Yellow Dog, etc, I decided to give Fedora FC3 a try. Why? Well, there is […]


wordpress quicktags fix for safari and photo options.

After taking a look back at Moveable Type, I decided it was time to look for a new photo management plugin for WordPress. I decided to first try PhotoPress because it sounded pretty cool (thumbnails, random pictures, etc) Since the move to WordPress 1.5, I noticed that my quicktags no longer exisited when I used […]

Hardware Software

Solaris and the SPARC

Yeah. Too many threats of “oh don’t worry, Windows XP will run great on your PC” came in, so I am going to go with finding some used Sun hardware. I have found a number of cool user Sun hardware web sites, but am taking some time to learn about the different models. Too bad […]