Author: Jennifer Zelazny

My name is Jennifer Zelazny and this site is a collection of my random thoughts and opinions. I am Penn Stater, WordPress developer, and a modern day explorer. I love exploring data, trends, and things that make the world a better place and sharing them here.


Quarantine Playlist

If you know me – you know it is rare that I am not listening to music the majority of the day while I work, eat, and workout. During the quarantine – I put together a great playlist to capture the feelings I had during that challenging time.

Quotes Serenity Now!

Uncertainty Brings Certainty

I follow the Dalai Lama on Twitter (@DalaiLama) and every once and awhile one of his tweets really hits home. These last few months have been challenging in so many ways. For me – it is a constant struggle between the known, the unknown and the interpretations of everything in between.


Today’s Workout: Progressions

Progression workouts are one of my favorite (especially with DVRT sandbags). They require control and flow through multiple movements. Each progression is done for reps and then in between the progressions I through in some core/cardio (20 seconds on 10/seconds off).