Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now! Standards

six flags, take two.

Having a Six Flags’ season pass is great. We can make a last minute decision to go to Six Flags in the afternoon or after dinner, and that is what we did on Saturday. Figuring the park would start to slowly empty at 5pm, well we were mistaken, but perhaps it was because we just […]

Web Development

the art of php include().

Let’s face it, no one wants to make several changes to the same portion of a web page when you have static information/pages. Enter php include(). If you have a common header, footer, block of information that needs to be on multiple pages and the thought of only editting something once instead of on multiple […]

jappler.com Standards

new look.

It is that time where I am customizing the look and feel of this web site so stay tuned for some future enhancement and changes. Eventually I will fully customize the template that I am currently using, but small steps first. I still need to adjust the right side of the page, but it is […]


Back from Vacation

I am back from a quick trip to my annual family reunion/home/Penn State. I got a lot of driving in (1400 miles) and I had a lot of interesting conversations with some family members. I sometimes forget that I am related to hardcore Republicans and people that say “well some things that are mentioned in […]

Politics Standards

US documents.

After having quite the discussion this morning with co-workers, I thought it might be handy to have the links of some of our important documents. Declaration of Independence US Constitution Bill of Rights It is always good to go back and re-read the documents that have shaped our country.

Standards TV

Seinfeld on DVD

All of you Seinfeld fans will be happy to know that come November 2004, we will finally be able to buy the Seinfeld series on DVD. Finally! Perhaps I can get rid of Comcast cable altogether now!

Politics Standards

On the Gay Marriage Amendment

I have had enough. The jokes, the comments, the bashing, and now the proposed marriage amendment? I do not understand the big deal…and I am tired of the christian right constantly trying to tell me how to live. Bush wants to “preserve marriage”, but he and his christian right friends do not get it…so let […]

Politics Standards

operation: republican in office

I bet all Americans (well all Americans that do not want to see the same fiasco as “Operation Brother Jeb: 2000”) feel relieved to hear we now have a plan to hold elections, even if under attack, during the upcoming November election. Perhaps we were fooled by Operation Brother Jeb: 2000 in the 2000 election, […]