Author: Jennifer Zelazny

My name is Jennifer Zelazny and this site is a collection of my random thoughts and opinions. I am Penn Stater, WordPress developer, and a modern day explorer. I love exploring data, trends, and things that make the world a better place and sharing them here.


Black Sneakers Do Not Equal Black Dress Shoes!

Ok, I have put in enough time thinking about how ridiculous people look when they try to pull the “black sneakers=black dress shoes” when they dress themselves in the morning. Men: do not wear sneakers with suits and try to pass them off as shoes just because they do not have logos on them. As […]


Adult Happy Meal?

Wow, I have seen a lot of stupid things, but nothing could have prepared me to see a steady stream of adults carrying “Adult Happy Meals” out of the McDonalds near my office. A grown person carrying aound a big stupid Happy Meal box…it was just not cool. How did McDonalds create such a nasty […]