Tag: Fedora


Fedora Core 5 for PPC Users is Available

I have not had any recent how-tos or informational articles, but I am hoping to end that dry spell tomorrow after I install and configure Fedora 5. I have been very happy with Fedora 3 and 4, and look forward to the most recent release. Stay tuned. PS…yeah I know that other builds, besides PPC […]


And the Winner Is: Sun Ultra 10

Time to learn Solaris, yeah. Time to get a PC, no. 😉 I finally got a Sun Ultra 10 lined up for me, and should hav eit some time next week. I am not looking for speed or anything much, just something to play around with, learn Solaris, and get serious about high availabilty servers. […]


Fedora FC3

Now that I am no longer doing any Linux/UNIX training, I thought it would be best to have a Linux machine running so I can stay on top of what I learned. After trying out Mandrake Linux (now Mandiva), considering Yellow Dog, etc, I decided to give Fedora FC3 a try. Why? Well, there is […]