Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.


WordPress Wednesdays: Little WordPress Gems

Every once and awhile while looking through the WordPress documentation, I find little gems. Here are a few that I found particularly interesting: wp_page_menu Easily create a menu with the home page appended onto the menu with a lot of parameters. Similar to the standard wp_list_pages, but with some different possibilities the_search_query I have seen […]


Linkfest Thursday: September 10, 2009

This week – I feel like I really found some gems. My Personal Golf Trainer Coming to Nintendo Wii Finally – real help (in my living room) in the off season! Three Potato FourAmazing stuff – I will take one of each Twitter Icon SetsLook no further for some amazing icons After the Deadline WP […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Custom Taxonomies

I recently worked on a project where we needed something sort of like tagging, and sort of like categorizing – but neither really worked as there would be way too many exclude this and only show that stuff involved. I needed a way to classify certain content, have easy access to it, and display it […]

CSS HOWTOs Web Development

CSS Tuesday: Images as List Bullets

There are plenty of ways to spruce up the boring bullets used in HTML lists. The best way and most browser compatible way I have found to do this is using the following code: You can see that here: Example of fancy bullet Another bullet point Vs. The plain list: Example of fancy bullet Another […]

Web Development WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Get the Current Page

I was writing some functions that are used in the admin for my commercial WordPress theme: Lucidity and stumbled upon a great variable in WordPress: $pagenow. This variable will return the current page you are on and is great form admin functions – especially those that you want to only make available on certain pages. […]

CSS Web Development

CSS Tuesdays: Keeping it Simple

I just released my fist two commercial WordPress themes: Lucidity and Lucidity Catalog with a focus on simplicity. After creating over one hundred custom WordPress themes – I decided to take my most requested features, coupled with a slick admin interface, and some really simple XHTML and CSS and put it together to create a […]

CSS Hints Web Development

CSS Tuesdays: Fun With User Agents

If you are going to do any serious CSS development and/or troubleshooting – you need to be able to see the site on as many browsers as possible. Generally – we have several browsers on several operating systems going at once so we can make sure our bases are covered. Last week I built a […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: It is All About the Query

My last ten or so projects I have been working on all have a common theme: maximize WordPress’s ability to be a powerful CMS. Clients more and more are coming to me with the need to create a custom fields which they can store/query data throughout their site. WordPress is completely customizable and because of […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Take Control of Missed Spam

Even with Akismet, and http:BL installed to stop spam – I still get the occasional spam comment. Until a few days ago, I simply got frustrated, went into the WordPress admin and then marked them as spam. Then after thinking about this more, I remembered you could actually enter in your own text pattern that […]


CSS Tuesdays: Cool Breadcrumbs

There are plenty of times when you need to have a clear navigation path back to home or to a main section on a particular page, and most web developers use “breadcrumbs” to do this. Over the years, I have implemented breadcrumbs a number of ways, but I really like what I saw on Verlee’s […]