Category: HOWTOs

Step by step guides to help with technical issues that I have worked on over the years.

HOWTOs Web Development

SVN Revert

There are some things I am very thankful for when I am working in PhotoShop…being able to navigate the history, the background eraser, the rounded corners tool, but there are sometimes when I fingers end up moving faster than my brain and save and close PSD files before I had the chance to undo a […]

Apple HOWTOs

troubleshooting rss feed problems in safari.

I now subscribe to almost 100 RSS feeds and use Safari to manage my them. Over the last year, I have run into problems with some of my RSS feeds where there is an error with one RSS feed and the error text seems to leak into other feeds. The blog/news entries still appear correctly, […]

Apple HOWTOs

fun with defaults write in Mac OS X.

Ever since yesterday’s defaults write question and then post, I have been doing some fun research on what else is possible with defaults write Note:Most of these changes require you to restart the finder after entering these into killall Finder. change your screenshot file format: defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat JPEG or TIFF or PNG […]

Apple HOWTOs

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X

A Mac OS X/UNIX newbie asked me if there was any way to show all the hidden files in Mac OS X so that he could browse the UNIX directories when using the Finder. Since there may be others out there that have the same need/want I thought I would share an easy way to […]



I just got done reading an excellent article “How to be an expert” that hit home. How many times did I try to learn CSS, then get frustrated and go back to tables? More than a few times for sure! The take home lesson of course is that hard work and dedication do pay off […]


print out certain line numbers with sed.

It has been a year now since I completed my UNIX/Linux certification training and every once and awhile I think about my friend Perl, but I really enjoy helping others with some simple needs. Ben (yeah, I got him using WordPress too ;)) aked me a great recently: Question: If i have a huge log […]


safari bookshelf's rough cuts.

I know this has been available for awhile, but I wanted to highlight it for anyone who has not heard of it. We all know and love O’Reilly books. I have several. I also have a subscription to Safari Bookshelf in case I have free time and want to read a good technical book. O’Reilly […]


css basics.

I had promised Doug I would have an upcoming post “that would change his life.” Well, since I am busy with a few projects, I have not had time to devote to this post. Of course this life changing post will finally convert Doug from using tables to CSS for page layout. In the meantime, […]

Hardware HOWTOs

Treo 600 Surgery

The problem: My Treo 600 has been buzzing for the past year or so when I get low on battery. Buzzing to a point where I decided I needed a new phone. Since the new phone did not work out, I decided I had to go back to my old standard: the Treo 600. Unfortunately, […]

Hosting HOWTOs Software Web Development

Automate cPANEL Backups

For months I have been manually backing up my web sites. Last night, I learned my lesson and realized I needed to have something more dependable in place. (and I am pretty damn dependable). I finally took the time to research the process of automating a CPanel update. The script I found and used is […]


System Monitoring with Nagios – Part 4 of 4

I have decided to write a four part article on the benefits of using Nagios. The first article focused on why I chose Nagios/what it offers. The second article focused on installing Nagios on Mac OS X. The third article focused on configuring Nagios. This fourth article will focus on improving the Nagios interface and […]