Tag: TV

Serenity Now! TV

Where Are the Cicadas?

There has been plenty of cicada talk here in the midwest concerning the 17 year cicada. The news covered weddings being rescheduled, teachers at school were making “cicada hats” with their students to try and lessen the scariness of the bugs, and of course, the great Walter E. Smithe commercial. No sign of the bugs […]


Ninja Warrior Marathon

I am not sure if anyone else caught the Ninja Warrior but I was pretty worthless between that and having out of town guest here (who I also made them watch it too). This show contains so many great qualities: impossible obstacles, stories of the competitors and one really excited announcer. I am so happy […]


ninja warrior!

I have been up late the last few nights and on Sunday I caught my first episode of Ninja Warrior on G4 TV. This is an amazing show and before you think you would not enjoy it – check out when it is on next and give it a try. The competitors have amazing strength […]

Standards TV

Seinfeld on DVD

All of you Seinfeld fans will be happy to know that come November 2004, we will finally be able to buy the Seinfeld series on DVD. Finally! Perhaps I can get rid of Comcast cable altogether now!