What is in My Pocket?

Serenity Now!

I have always wanted kids, but I never wanted to be the mom that was completely obsessed with her kids that nothing else mattered. The mini van. The crowded living room full of toys. The late appearances because “we could not get the kids ready”. Yikes. Of course Evan is very important to me, but he will not cause me to completely shut down to the outside world. With all of this in mind, I had a bizarre moment yesterday as I was getting ready to go out to lunch. I went to reach in my jacket pocket to see how much cash I had and whoa…I pulled out a burp cloth. Apparently regardless of how hard you try to keep work/home, family/professional separate it sometimes just leaks in. I got a good laugh out of it and I am now, to one of my younger/single friends officially “the mom” and now slightly not as cool as I once was. Fun times.

4 thoughts on “What is in My Pocket?”

  1. Dad M

    Absolutely wonderful, heartwarming story! Don’t ever forget it! (Good for a laugh too)

  2. Mom Z

    Cute!! Life certainly does change once you are a “mom”, but those days will be some of the happiest days of your life! Enjoy every minute. I can just hear you saying “Whoa!”

  3. Ken

    In a couple more years it gets even better – I routinely have my pockets stuffed with loose M&Ms, barbie doll shoes, and any number of other things. It’s also a lot of fun when they start taking YOUR stuff. A while ago Jen couldn’t find her wedding ring, and it turned out that Ashley stuff it into a pair of shoes Jen never wears.

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