Tag: Random Fridays


Random Fridays: Olympics in Chicago?

I have been anxiously awaiting the news of whether or not Chicago will get the 2016 games and it looks like some others are getting antsy as well. The Chicago Tribune put out an article “Chicago awards contract to clear Olympics site” today that makes me even more hopeful. Of course there are plenty of […]


Random Fridays: Happy Fourth of July!

I have had an insane week. Three big site launches (only one made it), a huge QA project (14 sites), my first released WordPress theme (not quite released – I still need to get the about pages together for my company site), major rush jobs from all fronts, babysitting two additional greyhounds, Michael Jackson’s death,and […]

Games Serenity Now!

Random Fridays: May 29, 2009

This past week has been absolutely crazy. Hectic work days, a baby shower at my house, a car accident (with Amy’s $51k loaner) – not her fault, crazy deadlines, etc. I will be happy when I can just sit back and relax this evening (before the weekend chaos). Through all of this craziness – I […]