Tag: PHP

Web Development

learning php.

A big thanks to Scott for pointing me in the right direction. I just got back from the store with the huge book he recommended – PHP and MySQL Web Development. I plan to start work on my first “from scratch” WordPress plugin in the next few days. [tags]PHP, MySQL, WordPress[/tags]

Apache Web Development

apache 2.20, php 5, and mysql 5 on mac os x.

After finally getting some to to set up my development environment, I began thinking…why am I not using Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.1.2? What made me think about this? “Legacy Release” The phrase “legacy release” is what httpd.apache.org described Apache 1.3.x as in their news section. I have been using Apache 1.x for several years […]

Web Development

the art of php include().

Let’s face it, no one wants to make several changes to the same portion of a web page when you have static information/pages. Enter php include(). If you have a common header, footer, block of information that needs to be on multiple pages and the thought of only editting something once instead of on multiple […]