Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.


Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9) and Gmail Fix?

After upgrading to Mac OS X Mavericks – I have had nothing but problems with handling my Gmail accounts. I read that it might be addressed by making sure the “All Mail label is not hidden” – but that did not do anything for me. My message count is off, my message #s are […]

Hosting Serenity Now!

Hosting – It Matters

I work with web hosts all day long – five days a week. When someone asks me where they should host their files – I always rattle off 2-3 different options – depending on their needs.


Without a Smart Phone – Week 2

I have spent the last two weeks without my iPhone – something I have carried around with me for over 5 years. I have to say it is has been interesting and sometimes frustrating, but overall – not nearly as bad as I thought. Here are some of my thoughts about not having a smart […]


My iPhone – Five Years Later

Five years ago – something came out that I had literally been waiting for for years. Now five years later – I am still using the original iPhone. My friends laugh at me, give me all kinds of slack, but at the end of the day – I use it still because it is such […]


New MacBook Pro (Retina Display)

I decided to buy a new MacBook Pro last night and ended up with the Retina Display model. I really did not care too much about the display – I was more interested in the flash storage. In the end – I found myself really surprised and impressed with the Retina screen. Going from that […]


Show Disk Space Usage (Sorted)

Every once and awhile I find myself needed to what is the space hog on my computer/server. While the command du – h in the command line works for a general overview – I really want to see the results in descending order (by space used). This command will list out everything in descending order […]

Web Development

Moving Everything to Amazon S3

Over the weekend I decided to move all my media to Amazon S3 for the majority of my personal sites. I have been using Amazon S3 now for a few years with my backups and have made the transition from local media > Amazon S3 for multiple clients. Everyone has been happy and the load […]

Apple HOWTOs

How to Transfer Purchases in iTunes

Ever need to transfer your purchases from your iPad or iPhone from one computer to another? After getting the alert multiple times I figured it was time to learn. To transfer your purchases – you need to control click on your device (after connecting it to the computer you want to transfer the items to) […]


Migrated From MobileMe to iCloud

I made the jump yesterday to update my 4 Macs and my iPad to use iCloud/iOS5 instead of MobileMe. While I have liked MobileMe and found it very useful – I look forward to what iCloud will offer. I often delay in updating my blog and/or my kids’ blogs because the photo is on a […]

Apple HOWTOs

iTunes Screensaver in Mac OS X

I generally use the Cosmos screensaver but I recently decided to check out some of the other options. I really thought the iTunes screensaver looked cool – as it shows all your cover art. I then accidentally hovered over one of the album covers and noticed I could actually click on it and switch the […]