Category: Business


Managing a Business and a Life

I have now been “on my own” for five months. Five glorious months without hoping I could leave an hour early to take my son to the doctor, sending in my vacation requests six months ahead of time, and dealing with a lot of other ugliness that I had grown tired of. The last five […]

Business CSS Web Development WordPress

WordPress Jobs

I was approached a few months ago with a project that sounded like a great opportunity: to design the UI and logo for the new WordPress Jobs web site (which my company does about 90% overall business on WordPress development). If you missed the announcement for the site, check it out. If you need WordPress […]


Over a Month Solo Now

It has officially been over a month since I left my full time job to focus solely on my consulting company and I wanted to take a moment to thank a few key people. First and foremost I would like to thank Amy and our families for believing me in and never questioning my decision. […]

Business WordPress

Project Management

I recently finished up a web site (using WordPress as a CMS of course) for a client who besides being a client is an amazing writer. He has a best selling project management book (The Art of Project Management) and has another one coming out in the next month. If you have a few minutes, […]

Business Web Development

First Days Working From Home

Well, the first two days of working at home have gone great. I have gotten more stuff done before 8am than I can usually do by the time 8pm comes around. I am able to get up, spend some time with my son, workout, shower, and then start working all in the time it would […]

Business Hints HOWTOs

Work Smarter

When every hour you spend impacts your bottom line, I have learned a few tricks to working smarter. Do not be a slave to email. When I am working on projects, email can be a continuous distraction. “I will just see what x client wants really quick” can easily turn into a mental distraction as […]

Business Web Development

new portfolio is available to view.

I finally had a few minutes to update my company’s (SDAC Inc) web development portfolio. If you are interested to see what I have been busy working on in the last two years, check out my consulting web development portfolio. You will notice I mainly focus on building dynamic web sites using WordPress as a […]

Business Food/Drink

Moxie and Tax Day

Well, as 2005 is my first year as a small business owner, I am learning something new everyday. On Monday, I learned the importance of having a really good accountant, as he called me and gave me a heads up on the fact that my 2005 taxes were due today. Thankfully he prepared an extension […]