Category: CSS


CSS Tuesday: Overide Inline Style

How many times have you worked with either someone else’s code or some crazy dynamically generated code that uses inline styles for everything which you need to change or override but cannot for some reason or another? I have seen this a lot with custom applications written by programmers who think they are doing designers […]

CSS Web Development WordPress

Quick CSS for WordPress Images (Updated)

A week or so ago, I posted some information on how to quickly style your WordPress images. After recently updating my company’s web site (SDAC Inc. – I noticed if you used captions, my custom CSS would not work. Here is some CSS that will work with and without image captions: The difference? I used […]

CSS Web Development

Using !important With CSS

I am not a “quick fix” or “work around” type of person. When a CSS debugging project comes my way I look first at fixing the problem systemically vs. applying the quick fix. Recently though I was brought into a project with an insane amount of CSS and conflicting styles all over the place. Since […]


Simple 3 Column Layout

I was talking to one of my friends today who does a lot backend programming but often needs a quick and easy 3 column layout that has the floats all figured out. His frustration with floats prompted me to make a very basic layout for him to use. If you find yourself in the same […]